Four great reasons to join

  • Discount Code GSCB10

    £10 discount on your first order of £125 or more.

  • Free Returns

    Unlock free returns for extra peace of mind if what you've ordered isn't quite right.

  • Club Only Offers

    Be the first to hear about discounts, and promotions.

  • Gardening Advice

    Receive our latest garden articles before they are available online.

Our exclusive members' club

Recognising your loyalty

At Frankton's, we hold dear the loyalty of our customers. As a token of our appreciation, we offer a special introductory discount and the peace of mind of free returns.

But that’s just the beginning—by joining us, you’ll be the first to receive exclusive offers, sneak peeks at upcoming sales, and carefully considered gardening advice, designed to nurture your passion for horticulture and to help you to achieve the garden of your dreams. We’re here to support you for each turn of the trowel and for every prune along the way.

A welcome discount

We offer an introductory £10 discount on your first order over £125 as a warm welcome to Frankton's. It's our way of saying thank you for choosing us, while giving you the opportunity to enjoy a little extra value on your first purchase.

Use discount code GSCB10 today!

Explore our products and discover quality items at a reduced price, making your shopping experience even more rewarding. It’s the perfect way to get started with us and enjoy more for less. We want to show you the great value and service we offer.

Free Returns

We offer free returns to our Green Shoots Club members to make shopping with us as easy and enjoyable as possible. If something isn't quite right, returning it is simple and cost-free and you have 30-days to decide.

This gives you the freedom to explore our range without any worries. We want you to feel completely satisfied with every purchase, and our free returns policy reflects our commitment to providing Green Shoots members with hassle-free, enjoyable shopping experience.

For smaller items, we will ask you to drop the parcel off at a convenient location and for larger products, where this isn't paractical, we'll arrange a collection.

Club Only Offers

As a Green Shoots Club member, you gain exclusive access to a range of member-only offers designed to make your shopping experience even more rewarding.

From special discounts to early access to sales, we ensure you’re always the first to know about the best deals. Plus, you'll enjoy personalised promotions that make each purchase even more enjoyable. It’s our way of showing appreciation for your loyalty, and we’re excited to offer you these perks to enhance your experience with us.

Gardening Advice

As a Green Shoots Club member, you’ll enjoy exclusive access to articles and expert gardening advice before anyone else.

You’ll also stay updated on our CleanHub communities, learning how they’re making an impact by recovering non-recyclable plastic. We’ll keep you informed on their progress, so you can see the positive change you’re contributing to.

Find out more about our Sustainability Labels